Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's Weigh-In Day Again!

Well, tonight is it. The weigh-in that really counts. Last week was my "wake up call" weigh-in, where I had to step on the scale and face the reality. I was 29.6 pounds over goal. Sigh.

Today I find out if I am heading in the right direction again.

If I could only exclude ONE day (don't we get free days? LOL) I would be "down" for sure but that free day was only the day before yesterday so how much of an impact will that have when I step on the scale? We will soon see.

Of course I WANT to be "down". Who doesn't? Regardless of the outcome however, I have zero doubt I am on the right track.

I have no idea whether anyone really gives a damn about this blog...but it is helping me so I am going to keep doing it. I have never really been religious but I think I finally understand how healing confession can be :-).

I see myself in a year as a healthy holistic eater, and will encourage others to do the same (without being one of those annoying people who know everything and never gets invited over to other people's places for dinner because no one knows what you will eat)! I love being invited over for dinner so please don't EVER stop the invitations! You know I'll bring the wine :-)

When I get there I want to be able to look back and see my struggles and what I accomplished, and I want be able to show people who are starting to venture down the same road (perhaps for the 50th time like me) that I have been there too and it is possible. I can't think of an easier way to show people than a documented blog of this particular journey.

So how do I get form "here" to "there"? One step at a time. This road is clearly going to have many hills and valleys but I will get there. As Trudeau once said "Just Watch Me!"

Be healthy,



catherine Di Placido said...

Good luck - I just know that you'll be down this week (probably quite remarkably so too!)

Lovin the blog, btw - and if it's helping you and entertaining me - well then, job done!!


Unknown said...

Thanks Catherine! Glad you are enjoying the Blog all the way over there in Scotland and hope you are right about being "down". Fingers crossed!
