Sunday, April 25, 2010

Barely Avoided Being A Hypocrite!

Hello All!

Well...I did it...another good day...but it was tough! After posting my blog yesterday about the dangers of free weekends I came sooooo close to having a free Saturday yesterday.

It was plain and simply a hungry day!

In the afternoon Jamie (my partner) asked me to get some Avocado Oil from the Health Food store a few blocks away. I readily agreed but my mind was envisioning the picture of the new juicy burger I saw on a poster outside the "The Gourmet Burger Co." that is across the street from the health food store. That's when the self-rationalization I am so extremely adept at started to click in.

As I walked toward the stores I began to convince myself that if I had the Burger and NOT the fries I was in fact making a HEALTHY CHOICE. No one could argue that that is a totally healthy and sound judgment call right?. Of course my mind started thinking about my blog. How could I possibly blog about how Saturdays should not be free and then just eat crap on my own? As I approached the store I remembered that the hypnotist I saw told me that I would think "health" when I saw the colour "red". Friday there was red everywhere I looked, but when I needed it yesterday? Nowhere in site!

I took a deep breath and told myself to at least go to the health food store BEFORE the Burger place. Maybe I would find something healthier there. Whether it was the fact there was indeed "red" in the store or perhaps just the strength I mustered up to buy a healthy sesame bar first I am not sure, but I bought the sesame bar and eating it took the "edge" off enough that when I went to the Burger place and really looked at the picture of the "juicy burger" I saw it for what it was.Three quarters of the frickin thing was a huge white bun and toppings!. I walked home after that feeling pretty proud of myself and had a healthy lunch at home.

That evening Jamie was babysitting for our neighbours and the thoughts started again. I wanted to order Chinese Food (Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs, Fried Rice, Egg Role, and yeah...I guess there might be a little veggie there to leave on the plate afterward). I was alone so who would know?!

Perhaps the damn hypnotist thing is actually working because the more I though of that plate with the bright red Sweet and Sour Spareribs, the more I came to my senses. I had some steak and a salad instead.

I was on my own though and it was Saturday night so I really didn't feel like working, so I started experimenting with seeing if I could figure out how to build a website (with the help of free software of course). I registered a domain and created the following: My Nutrition and Health Website.

I am not sure exactly how to use it to make it a tool for all blog reader's trying to get healthy but am certainly open to ideas. Let me know your thoughts!

Anyway, it is a crazy day with my Real Estate Job today so I better get to work.

Have a great Sunday everyone healthy!



Portia said...

hmmmmmmm....good for you Alan....I'm so excited to read your blog finally! and my next stop on the Internet highway is you website. For me to lose weight, I have to keep busy busy busy, so busy that I don't have time to think about food, if you know what I that the nice weather is here, you will do great, I just know you will. Is moderation a possibility honey? just a thought...I'm on the A-Team! Go A Go! ..... and the beat goes on....

Unknown said...

Hey Thanks for your comment! It is great to get responses! Moderation is ALWAYS the challenge for me. I do absolutely everything to extreme (hence the blog and website LOL). Unfortunately that also includes "going off track to extreme, eating to extreme, etc.

Restaurants are the worst. I find it so hard to order healthy, but I am going to work on it!

I COMPLETELY get the "Go Go Go" method of weight loss. Just keep busy and you won't think about food. Never works for me long term though, but hey...what works in the moment is another step along the learning path right so if "Go Go Go" is what will work for you now then "You Go Girl! :-)