Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Healthy Journey - Nutrition and Exercise

OK....Here I go. I don't know whether this is "Julie & Julia" inspired or just an attempt to yet again try something new but I have decided to document my journey to health. Is it for me or for others? Who cares! All I know is that this is what I need to do right now. It is something new and I need something new. I have had many journeys over my life. Gained and lost over 50 pounds a couple of times, been bad and good with exercise, but keep slipping back into old habits.

I will keep this entry short, and perhaps you will learn more about me as the weeks/months (years?) pass. I have done Jenny Craig (more than once) , Atkins, and Weight Watchers (a multitude of times and still go to Weight Watchers). I am a Real Estate Broker but feel a need to learn more about my overall body, improve my health, and then share my knowledge with others.

I do not know how much I will use what I am learning but I am studying to be a Nutritionist at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. I am only on the third course of 19 courses but I will get there.

The problem is I am an idiot. LOL. I try to do all the right things and then I fall off the wagon. I actually study for Nutrition Exams eating Chocolate and Ice Cream and drinking pop because I need the "energy rush" to stay awake. How stupid is that?

I lost 50 pounds with Weight Watchers four years ago and I strongly believe in this program. I would tweek it a bit personally as I no longer believe in the national "healthy eating" guides as they are influenced by dairy board's etc., and Weight Watchers tends to follow the health guidelines of the countries they are operating in, but nonetheless the program is sound and can be extremely healthy. They de-emphasize the "Filling Foods" version of their plan but I believe it is the way to go and that should be the one emphasized. I would love to be a leader at Weight Watchers someday, or maybe run my own group program. Not so much for income, but just to help people learn and to keep myself motivated at the same time.

Over the years it is hard to stay inspired to keep the weight off though. In reality I haven't done it. 30 pounds of the 50 I lost has come back on. To be fair I weight train a lot now and at least 10 pounds of that is muscle but the stomach is much bigger than it should be.

So...Nutrition courses help, but it is not accomplishing my goal. At least not yet. I still eat crap.

Yesterday I started something new....5 sessions with a hypnotist to see if that will help. Session 1 was interesting. I want it to work and am putting faith in it. We will see. I am also trying to do self-hypnosis as they suggest (which I think is really just a form of meditating) while focusing on the Mantra "I make healthy choices". If nothing else it is a change and change is what I need to stay "on track".

My goal is to weigh in once a week at Weight Watchers (usually Wednesday nights) and write about my weight and journeys here. Maybe it will help to keep me on track.

If nothing else this is where I plan to keep it honest. Every trip to McDonald's, Burger King, Dairy Queen, etc. I will document here. Hopefully that will force me to see my reality so I emerge at the end as a heathy, qualified, nutritionist.

I don't know if anyone will ever read this, but maybe it doesn't matter. We all have our journeys. If you read my blog you may realize you are not alone. If you don't, just writing this may be what I need.

Here is hoping!

Be Healthy!


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