Friday, April 30, 2010

Emotional Eating & Drinking

Do you ever eat or drink just because you are pissed-off?

I did last night. Drink anyway.

Let me preface this by saying I have an amazing husband.

I quite honestly don't know how ANYONE could live with me. I'm not putting myself down. I actually LIKE myself :-) It's just that I have a tendency to go on and on about things and I know it can drive people close to me crazy. I tend to be "ON" 24 hours a day and sometimes I know Jamie would really like my Duracell battery to "take a licking and STOP ticking already!" LOL

I know this because I am my mother's son. My mom was an amazing amazing amazing woman but sometimes I just wanted to "turn her off". She loved to talk...and talk....and talk...and

I tend to get fixated on things and just go on and on about them...oh well..none of us are perfect right?

Anyway, all relationships have their bumps and last night we had one. It was by no means the end of the world but the first thing I did was open a bottle of wine. The last thing I did was finish the bottle of wine :-(

The evening wasn't a total disaster. We actually went out for dinner with our very good friend Ian and had a really nice time. It was "dim sum" so pretty hard to make healthy choices but I was reasonable with what I ate and feel pretty good about it. We had a great time with Ian.

I guess the point of today's blog is really to raise my own awareness of what I do to myself...I am definitely an emotional eater/drinker.

Perhaps just voicing the reality of this will help keep me "aware" and smarter next time.

Things still aren't quite back to normal with the "hubby" yet but they will be. As everyday goes by I realize more and more that no matter what happens in this world I am am the luckiest person out there because he is by my side :-)

Be healthy!


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