Tuesday, April 27, 2010

When Disaster Strikes

OK I blew it yesterday...big time!

But before anyone starts feeling bad for me...don't. I am actually in a good frame of mind and I am RIGHT BACK ON TRACK which is the main thing.

If you have been following my blog you may recall that I mentioned that I had this ridiculous habit of eating Chocolate and Ice Cream while studying for a nutrition exam. Ludicrous but true :-(

Well..guess what? I had an exam this morning and I was studying for it yesterday...at least I was supposed to be.

I started off the day with the absolute best of intentions...I was going to study for this exam without eating any crap. I was going to prove to myself I could do it!

I got up real early, was at the gym by 6:00AM and home by 8:30AM and ready to go.

Before I could begin studying though I had Real Estate work I had to do. It is my job and it has to take priority...fair enough.

It finally came time to do some studying early afternoon but I couldn't bring myself to start. I really wanted that junk I am used to having when I study so I thought I would compromise and have a couple of slices of good, thin crust organic Pizza. It actually wasn't too bad of a plan except two slices became four slices.

Alright, so I am done with the pizza, so I should be ready to study right? Well...I got the books out anyway. No studying occurred though. Instead I went back and did more Real Estate work.

Before I knew it it was 5 o'clock, I hadn't started, and not only did I really want junk I felt I simply wouldn't be able to start studying unless I had it. Sooo...I went to the store and bought stuff I could bring home that at least I could convince my partner was low calorie even if it was unhealthy.

I got a big bottle of Coke Zero, two bags of flavoured rice crackers and came home acting as if I was somehow doing the right thing. I know I know...if any nutritionists out there are reading this they would have much rather I bought REAL junk instead of a bunch of artificially modified low fat junk.

What I brought home didn't look too bad so my partner didn't say anything other than "Can I have some Coke Zero?". Whew! Good thing I didn't mention the snickers bar I ate while walking home! LOL

After I scarfed that down it was dinner time and even though I was totally stuffed I still had a big helping of Spaghetti for dinner!

So what was the meal plan for the day again?:

4 slices of Pizza
1 snickers bar
2 bags flavoured rice crackers
1 litre of coke zero
Large portion of Spaghetti
No breakfast (perhaps part of the problem :-) )

Now there is a healthy day for you!


After all that can you guess what happened next? I felt too bloated and sick to study so I went to bed.

I got up at 4:00 this morning, studied for six hours straight and wrote the exam.

I think I did ok but should have done better.

To be honest though, I know it is just a day in my life. Will it mean I don't lose weight when I step on that scale Wednesday?


Of course it will be disappointing but in the scheme of things the world hasn't ended and I am right back on track today.

Someday I will figure out how to break the connection between studying and eating.

Be healthy!


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