Sunday, December 4, 2011

Yes We Can!

I have a vision board in my office.

In the centre of the vision board is a picture of a thin me with my arms up in the air and the slogan "Yes We Can!"

I was happy when I put that board up because I was feeling thin and excited about the prospects of staying thin.

Well...I haven't exactly stayed thin consistently, but I am happy to report that I am actually getting pretty thin right now.

It is funny though. I am not feeling the same excitement that the guy in the middle of that vision board was feeling.

I guess it is impossible to remain excited about being thin 24/7 all year round.

Don't get me wrong, I am real glad I am back on the right path but sometimes paths aren't as exciting as we want them to be.

Last night was Saturday night and my excitement for the evening was watching a movie at home that was over by 9:30. I was at a loss as to what to do with myself after that.

I don't think it means that it will be unexciting forever. I am, for example, going to be getting together with awesome people tonight.. Sooner or later there is another bend in the road and things start to change...hopefully for the better.

I think that when the road is fairly straight and boring it is easy to forget that the only way to reach the next bend is to keep going forward and be as good as we can along the way.

I intend to stay on the right path, and when I reach that bend in the road I just know that when I go around the corner I am going to find myself emerged in excitement, beauty, and health.

Be healthy,


1 comment:

The Director said...

Goodness, Alan... here I was thinking you were living a charmed and colourful existence among the beautiful people in the big T.O. I'm so relieved to find you're much like the down to earth people like myself. Enjoy. It's a good life.