Monday, December 5, 2011


Had a wonderful dinner out last night with great friends.

On the plus side the dinner was quite healthy (there was even a weight watcher's dessert), but on the down side I managed to become fixated in the gingerbread and ate it like a madman. It was real good but it just reinforces in myself that I have just a tad bit of a self control issue....but give me a was good!

Still, I ate more gingerbread than I should, and I know with the holiday season upon us this week is going to be jam packed with social functions. I am out tonight, Wednesday night, Friday night, and Saturday as well. I can't afford not to be careful!

I think tonight will be the hardest. I am going to a buffet dinner and I don't think there will be many healthy choices. There will also be copious amounts of alcohol I am sure.

I will be as good as I can.

I still think the most critical thing during times like this is to be 100% perfect outside of the "events". The events themselves will be a challenge, but if I couple that with poor eating during the day, then "disaster" is the only possible outcome.

So 100% healthy it is during the day today, and as healthy as I can be this evening.

Be healthy!



The Director said...

Don't sweat it too much Alan. Find your over-do signal, go a beat further, than quit. Make up for it tomorrow.

Unknown said...

thanks for the advice Tom! I followed it and as much as I wasn't an angle I think I did pretty good last night :-)