Saturday, December 3, 2011


Tis the season to eat food fa la la la la la la.

Do you have a lot of social events on the horizon? I do.

For some strange reason it doesn't scare me as much as it usually does ( doesn't always scare me...sometimes I am perfectly content to eat my way through the season and deal with the consequences later).

They always tell us at Weight Watcher's that we need a "plan". That it is important to figure out how to have fun without being over indulgent.

Problem is we (or at least "I") have been brought up to believe that overindulgence is not only right during the holidays, it is pretty much an expectation and a requirement.

So will I indulge? Sometimes. Will I overindulge? I am supposed to say "NO" but if I am being honest with myself the real answer is "sometimes". That is still a lot better than my old answer with was "all the time".

What is my plan?

I don't have a major one. I want to have fun...but the plan that I do have is to try to at least keep it reasonable most of the time and behave when I am not at a social event.

So the real plan is simply to be good whenever I am able. If I keep myself in check during the day as well as during the "down" nights I should come out of the holiday season ok.

That is the plan. We shall see if the plan works.

Be healthy!


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