Wednesday, February 1, 2012

When I don't blog it is generally not a good sign

Hey everyone!

I haven't blogged in five days. Why you ask?

There is the "rationale" and the "reason".

The rationale is that I got real busy. This is the truth. The last few days have been busy.

Somehow I still found time to play an on-line game of scrabble a few times though so I can't really say I didn't have time to blog. When I don't blog it is usual not a good sign.

The truth is I fell off track...then got myself back on track but not in a "weight watcher's" kind of way.

Thursday through Sunday were kind of a disaster for me. Not only was I busy but I was unprepared for eating well. Fast Food restaurants became the name of the day. This was particularly problematic when I was doing Open Houses Saturday and Sunday afternoon as the townhouse I was trying to sell (and sold) was across the street from a Dairy Queen. I went more than once.

By Monday morning I was feeling pretty bloated.

The manner in which I corrected the issue was, in my opinion, a very good thing to was just for the wrong reasons.

I have been thinking for months that I needed to do a cleanse. I haven't done one for the longest time and it is my humble opinion that your body needs it from time to time. Soooo...the cleanse began.

I have not eaten since Sunday night.I am not sure if I will end the cleanse after weighing in tonight or end it tomorrow morning but the three day cleanse has been good for me. I feel good again.

In terms of the scale I believe I simply balanced things out. I am in the same position I was last week. When I step on the scale tonight I suspect I will be up or down a pound but not much more in either direction.

I am happy I corrected the situation...and happy I did the cleanse because I have wanted to do one for ages...just not happy that binge eating forced me into it.

Not posting my tracker today as it is blank (no food equals no points)

Oh well...onward and downward (weight-wise that is).

Be healthy,


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