Friday, February 10, 2012

As Naked As You Are Ever Going To See Me (Perhaps Nieces Should Skip Today's Blog)

Ok today is the day. A month ago I said I would post a topless picture of myself online. Today I am keeping my fact...I went further...I am in my if you decide to view today's blog  I suggest doing it on an empty stomach :-)

Before posting the pic though...a quick word about why I am posting it.

For me it is about a few things:

1) Setting a goal and keeping it.
2) Looking back at my journey and taking the time to recognize that I have accomplished something.
3) When I do accomplish something I want to let the world know because...damn it...I worked too damn hard to accomplish it to be quiet about it. I want to celebrate my makes me happy. Is it vain? I care?

If you have never had weight issues you may not really understand the need to celebrate out loud but I am going to take you through a very brief trail of my history in pictures. Perhaps if you see where I have come long the journey has been...and understand that it NEVER will understand the need to celebrate when you feel good.

So lets go back to around 2004. Here are some pictures of me then.


It was this picture that made me decide to start this journey

On vacation and probably in need of a hotdog.

I wish I could say that when I started this journey in 2004 it was my first journey...but it wasn't. I had lost over fifty pounds a multitude of times before...only to put it back on eventually. In retrospect this was it taught me that the journey never ends. If I am not careful...I can easily be right back there again.

By about 2005 I had taken most of the weight off but kept on struggling. I was thinner...but I did not exercise. You do not need to exercise to lose weight. It helps...and it definitely helps keep it off...but I was not exercising yet so I became a thin geek.

From 2005 to 2009 my weight went up and down...I probably gained 30 pounds back and lost it and gained it and lost it and gained it, but it was during this time I figured out that as long as I never stop going to Weight Watcher's it will always be "top of mind" and I will never ever gain 50 pounds back again.

I will also continue to drive to Burlington every week because I found a leader, and friend, in Cindy there. As far as I am concerned she is the best leader in the business and she is definitely worth the drive.

In 2009 I decided to take a course in Nutrition at George Brown College. It is here I met Anthony who was to become a great friend and nutrition/exercise mentor. Anthony was my instructor at George Brown. He inspired me to take more nutrition courses and I am halfway through a program to be come a Certified Registered Holistic Nutritionist. I do not know if I will ever practice nutritional counselling but the knowledge I am gaining makes it well worth the effort the courses require. I am on a bit of a hiatus from courses right now but will be back again soon. Anthony and I work out together often and he is the one responsible for getting me in shape.

A year or so ago I posted the picture below on the blog. The muscle was starting to come but I was still fluctuating in weight by twenty pounds so attaining any real definition was...well...a challenge.

My consistent exercise has finally resulted in the attainment of definition. Here is the picture Jamie took of me this morning:

Feb 10, 2012
Am I happy? You better believe it. I could look at the picture and criticize (we all do this to ourselves). I would, for instance, love to lose the love handles...but at 48 years old I accept that that may not happen.

I cannot write this blog without thanking my husband Jamie for the years of support. He has been so patient with my ups and downs...promises and set-backs...I honestly don't know how he has survived this journey as I must drive him crazy...but he has stayed by my side.

The journey does not end. I know that. I could be the guy in the first pictures again real fast. Those who read my blog know I mess up ALOT...but I never end the journey. In the early days I lost over 50 pounds and then fluctuated by thirty pounds...then I introduced exercise and fluctuated by twenty I think I fluctuate by ten pounds.

I think at the end of the day my point it this. If you start the journey and just keep matter how many times you have set backs...eventually you will succeed.

Why?...because you only had set-backs. By continuing on...failing is impossible.

Be healthy!



ryanmiles05 said...

Wow! Looking great Alan! You should be very proud!...

Unknown said...

Thanks Bud! Hope you make it to Canada again soon!

Pamela said...

The picture was worth losing sleep over!!!!

Unknown said...

Now that is a compliment :-)

Cdp said...

God I am impressed!
You, my wonderful friend, are truly an inspiration.
Thanks for doing this - it just goes to show that you can look great again even after the yoyoing!
Be proud and it ok to be vain lol xxx

Unknown said...

Thanks Catherine and we can indeed. I know I will likely always yoyo...I just hope the string gets progressively shorter :-)

Anthony said...

Hey Mr Muscles- wow you look GREAT!!

Congratulations, wow lots of 20-year olds are not in as good a shape as you!

PLUS you can outlift 90% of them too!!

Nice work bud- it shows, bigtime!

Unknown said...

Thanks Bud! I owe the Weight Loss to Cindy and WW and the muscle gain to you :-)