Wednesday, February 29, 2012

McDonald's Tricked Me!

You would think I would know by now that things in Fast Food Restaurants are often not what they appear. I can still be fooled.

Yesterday morning I went into McDonalds to get a coffee and I wasn't starving but was feeling a little hungry because I hadn't had my breakfast yet.

I noticed they had breakfast burritos on their menu and they are quite tiny so they sell them in sets of two. I looked at it and is just a wrap with a bit of egg and vegetable in it. I can have this for my breakfast without issue.

I had them...and they were ok...but I thought to myself at the time that they really weren't much of a breakfast. They were so tiny and not filling at all.

When I was home later that day I went to the nutritional page of McDonald's website and was shocked at what I found. There was 16 grams of fat in EACH of them. This added up to a total of 16 of my daily points allowance and all I had had was breakfast (for those of you not on Weight Watchers that is ALOT!).

I really didn't understand why until I went back and looked at the product closer. Although the "ingredients" section on the nutritional page simply refers to the contents of the wrap as "egg mixture" further investigation revealed that this egg mixture had sausage in it. I didn't see anything that looked like sausage and I didn't taste anything that tasted like sausage. It was so small I didn't taste anything! everything else on this journey it is a lesson learned.

Can I have a breakfast Burrito from McDonalds again? Yes...if I want to. Will I want one again? No. If I had loved it or it had filled me up perhaps it would be worth it on occasion...but this was not worth it.  Live and Learn.

Today is weigh in day and I am currently 5 points in the "negative" as far as my point tracking goes but that is insignificant really and I will exercise myself back into balance "point-wise" before I weigh in. So I expect to be "down" when I step on the scale tonight.

I hope so...I have to take off the 10.8 pounds I gained on my cruise!

Be healthy!


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