Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Have A 10.8 Pound Bundle Of Joy In My Tummy!!

Yeah you read it right. I went on a cruise last week and came back carrying a baby...or at least the equivalent of one...I gained 10.8 pounds! It is definitely the result of a lot of joy :-). One of our Weight Watcher's member's (Diane) sister's (Linda) was on board...I am convinced she knocked me up when I was asleep!

Back in the old days this would have totally stressed me out.

To work so hard to lose the weight and then gain that much back in one week...yikes! I have done worse though. I went on a two week cruise once and gained 21 pounds. This is the down side of being a man. We get teased because we tend to lose so fast...but man...can we gain fast!

At the end of the day doesn't matter. Why doesn't it matter? Because I don't have to put myself back on a diet...I just have to go back to healthy eating...and it WILL come off again.

In other words...all I have to do is go back to eating the way I should be eating in the first place...not such a big deal.

The only problem is I have not, and may never, reach the point where eating the way I should eat in the first place is second nature. I was not really raised to eat properly...just to eat.

For me it requires help...and for me you all know what that help is...Weight Watcher's. I know it s not for all of you but for me it is my life-line.

I needed to get on that scale yesterday to face my reality and get myself right back on track...otherwise I would just keep eating until another ten pounds came back on...that is "natural" for me.

So not only did I face my reality at the meeting yesterday, I asked if I could take the "magic tracker" home.

The magic tracker is simply a book with three months worth of tracking pages in it. Each week a different member can take it home and track the food they consume for the week...for better or worse...and then the tracker gets returned to the meeting and another person takes it for the next week. It is totally voluntary and the theory is that if you are writing your food in a public book for the week for others to see you just "might" be a bit more careful.

I find it to be a great little trick as is not only motivates me to track my food, but people from previous weeks write hilarious comments about their successes and failures during the week and it reassures me that no matter what I may be struggling with, at the end of the day, we are all human.

So here is to taking the weight a healthy way.

Be healthy!


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