Thursday, February 9, 2012

24 hour count-down to Non-Extreme Nudity!

The count-down is on...23 hours to go...your eyes may be offended very soon. Perhaps it will be best if you just keep your computer turned off tomorrow.

Maybe my computer, Jamie's computer, Joni's computer, the Ipad2, and my iPhone will die and I won't be able to do it. We can only hope.

Tomorrow is reveal day. My commitment will be kept and I will post a shirtless picture of myself. If I really feel like scaring you maybe I will just wear my undies...that will likely send my nieces into therapy.

I'm surprisingly not too stressed about doing it but I won't be eating today....come on...I bet Valerie Bertinelli didn't eat for a week after her big reveal...and Kirstie Alley starved herself for so long before hers she couldn't stop eating for a year afterward!

I would love to say I am not eating today because I believe in cleanses and I believe they are good for you. While I believe this to be true I also believe you are not stupid and would see right through that explanation for the crap it is.

I am not eating today because I am vain and want to look the best I can tomorrow.

In other words...I am doing it all for you...I am trying to save your eyesight. I'm kind of like a doctor performing pre-surgery on you.

Don't be will survive.

Be healthy,


P.S. I am not sure if I was up or down at Weight Watchers yesterday. Last week I was 189.8. When I stepped on the scale I was pretty sure it said 188.9 but the girl forgot to write it in my book (she wrote it on their records) and being as old as I am I wasn't quite sure. I went back  up to the desk to inquire and she said "oh yes I think I remember you were only up a pound but let me check"...she checked and said..."actually your only up by .1 pounds"...and then proceeded to write it in my book. When I checked my book later she wrote 188.9 pounds. So I am either up .1 or down .9 pounds...either way I pretty much stayed the same...I'm happy with that.

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