Tuesday, March 27, 2012


At the end of the day I think weight loss it all about setting goals you can keep.

If you have a goal that is realistic and you are SERIOUS about it...you will make it happen.

The thing is though...we sometimes fall apart after we reach a goal. Have you ever noticed I tend to reach my weight goals the day before I go on vacation? By the time I get back I tend to be back where I started.

It is not the end of the world. I have usually enjoyed my vacation and as much as I don't relish starting again I usually feel it was worth it. It just sucks that it takes sooooo long to get back where you were.

The important thing is that you re-focus as soon as you can and set a new goal.

Just because you have reached the end of the road does not mean the journey is over.

My last goal was to lose enough weight to pose for the picture in the upper right corner of this blog. I did it...and then I went on vacation.

I was 189 pounds in that picture. As of my last weigh-in I am 192 pounds so I am almost back to that point again...but this time I will not be going on vacation...thank goodness!

My current goal is to get back to 189 pounds and I already know what my next goal after that is.

Current Goal: I hope to reach 189 pounds by April 4th. It isn't totally in my control (no matter what I do sometimes the body tends to do what it wants).

Next Goal: I want to reach a weight of 185 pounds by April 28th.

April 28th isn't an arbitrary date. It is the date I enter into a two day intensive program which is the most significant portion of the training I will receive to become a Weight Watcher's leader.

I am looking forward to this (yes...with a bit of fear), but I want to be in top form when I enter that training weekend and in top form when I hold my first solo session in early May.

I find solid goals...that have a completion date...and purpose...are the most effective goals.

Having said that...if your "goal" is a weight goal...the date may not always work in your favour...sometimes life just happens....so if you don't reach your goal weight by the date you set...don't spend a second fretting about it. As long as you are going the right way...just keep on going.

As soon as you reach your goal...set the next one.

Be healthy!


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