Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Considering Becoming A Leader

It could be an interesting day for me.

I have been in discussions with Weight Watchers lately about the possibility of becoming a leader for them.

If I did it I would likely only do a meeting or two a week as I need to ensure my main focus remains Real Estate...and it will. This would be more like a hobby.

I do think that I would enjoy it, and having to get up in front of a group of people every week would definitely keep me "in check" weight-wise.

I am not sure how women (which is the primary audience) will feel about having a male leader but I do know there are other male leaders and perhaps if more male leaders exist more men will join. They need to be healthy too!

Anyway, I am meeting with the Territory Manager for Weight Watchers today. We will see how it goes :-)

Be healthy!


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