Thursday, March 15, 2012

I Guess It Is Official! I Am Going To Be A Leader

Yesterday I mentioned that I was meeting with the Territory Manager for Weight Watchers.

Well...I met with her...and I am starting the training process to become a leader. I will likely only do a meeting or so a week as I don't have time for more. I do, after all, have another job that takes priority.

So on April 19th I am doing a training webinar, then a full day of training April 28th and 29th, another webinar May 16th, and for five weeks I will do some receptionist work weighing people in etc. at meetings. From there my leader sessions start with a mentor present for a bit.

There is a catch though...I still need to lose more weight. I don't have to go as far as I thought I did. In the picture that I posted February 10th (also on the upper right side of this blog) I was 189 pounds. I thought I had to go to 179 pounds.

I could do this but I wasn't sure I could (or wanted) to maintain at that weight. The good news is I am permitted to maintain at 185 pounds. Co-incidentally that was exactly the weight that I had already decided I wanted to maintain at anyway. Perfect!

The only thing that is not perfect is that I am no longer 189 pounds. I am 198 pounds after my vacation and last weekend's eating binge.

So...I need to lose...again...and I need to do it following the WW plan. If I am not doing the plan right then how can I be an effective leader? goes....

Be healthy!



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