Friday, March 23, 2012

Only 436 Days To Go!

The time is getting near.

In only 436 days until I enter into the "post 50" era of life.

I think it is exciting. In a way I am looking forward to it.

I think the primary reason for this is because my long term goal is to be the healthiest I have ever been at age 50. I am already the healthiest I have ever been but I can still get healthier. It will feel like an accomplishment and that is so much better than feeling old.

My partner thinks I am a contradiction. He says that I say I am not upset about getting older but then I spend so much time trying to look younger. He doesn't believe that getting older does not bother me.

From my perspective it is not a contradiction. Getting older doesn't bother me BECAUSE I feel like I look pretty good for my age and I feel like I am pretty fit for my age. I am ahead of the game.

Often I am at the gym and I look around at the perfectly fit boys with totally ripped muscles and not an ounce of fat and I feel a tinge of jealousy...I think..."why can't I have a body like that...I am working just as hard as them"....and then it occurs to me that they are in there twenties and thirties.

When I compare myself to people my own age...I think I can stand my ground.

So for me aging is like a game. As long as I can stay ahead of the game I feel like I'm winning....and when one is winning how can one possibly feel bad?

I guess it simply boils down to maintaing a heathy attitude.

Last night I put a "count down to 50" clock on my blog. I have 436 days left to age 50 and I am looking forward to reaching my goal: "Fit at 50".

Stay positive, and be healthy!



maeh said...

Great blog Alan. And inspiring too. I totally get what you mean...I'm still working towards that post 50 but it definitely feels good to be taking control back from the demons ( or just poor education). You will definitely do it..and itll be fun hearing about how you get there. Catherine and I are planning to come to your martini party next year to give your a run for your money! Isn't that right Catherine?,

Unknown said...

Thanks! Control feels great. I don't have it all the time but I have it a heck of a lot more often than I used to! I will have your Martini ready!

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed!
Fab and (post) 50!
Lol -
Btw - you are well on the way to fab and fifty - hot, hot, hot!

Unknown said...

Thanks Catherine. Now does Martini Party "Next Year" mean the next one (June 2012) or June 2013?

Anonymous said...

2013 Alan - is that cool with you? Cathy getting married June 1st this year!

Unknown said...

Well...I'm a little hurt that Cathy deems her wedding more important than my Martini Party but I guess I will survive. 2013 it is!!!! :-)