Friday, March 9, 2012

A Day of Food And Drink

OK Yesterday wasn't good...I mean it was GOOD...but it wasn't good.

I had a great day and enjoyed the company of good friends with wine to follow.

Dinner wasn't really tremendously bad. We had steamboat (also known as Hot Pot) where raw vegetables, meat, fish balls, and shrimp, are put on a table and then slowly dumped into a bowl of boiling broth, removed and eaten (after being dipped in a peanut sauce). It was good.

We also had wine, and chocolate, and half a box of Triscuit Parmesan and Garlic Crackers ( I mean half a box FOR ME) and...of course...I had also eat throughout the day before dinner...and not particularly well.

So now I look back on yesterday and think..."How the hell do I even begin to calculate the weight loss points for this to put in my tracker?".

The thing is though...sometimes you don't have to. If you know you have used up all your daily points and all your weekly points then it doesn't matter whether you ate 90 points worth of food or 500 points worth of food. The point is the "points" are gone and what is done is done. Beating yourself up will do you no good. I had a good time...that is what I choose to focus on.

So I will assume I ate my daily points and my extra 49 points and enter that in my tracker. My tracker will then inform me that I have zero extra points left for the remainder of the week. That is all the knowledge I need to have. I do not need to know I have negative 200 points. That won't help me.

Knowing I have zero extra points just means...get back on the normal plan...and eat healthy the rest of the week.

Right now it is cool because I really don't have any more social functions planned. If something does come up though...I won't say "no". I will say "yes" and do the best I can food-wise at that function...and if I blow it...who really cares? It just means my weight would be up a bit and not down when I weigh in next Wednesday.

When you are in this for the long term, one week up or down doesn't change a long as the weight ends up being "down" more often than it is "up" over time...all is good.

Be healthy!


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