Monday, April 4, 2011

Turnaround...every now and then I fall apart...

Ever get a song in your head and it just keeps playing over and over again?

I have had one ever since this morning. The day didn't start good. Someone broke the gate at the front of our house, I managed to drop my coffee on the floor at the gym (yes..I'm still drinking coffee) and then I managed to smack the locker room door at the gym right into my head. I am still not quite sure how I did that...but it was loud and embarrassing.

I decided I needed to turn the day around and that was when "Total Eclipse of The Heart" started running through my head. You know how it goes: "Turn around, bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart...Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit restless and I dream of something wild...turn around, every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by..."

I probably got the lyrics all out of order...but you get the picture.

"Turn around" seems to be my fate in life. I am always turning around...and I do dream of something wild (last Saturday night I lived it a bit) and get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by.

The reality is though...I don't think they have. There is something to be said for age, and there is something to be said for feeling better...and healthier...about yourself.

If I am being honest I never really enjoyed the younger years. I was always way too insecure...and I felt fat.

I am reaching a point where I am enjoying life...and accepting, to a certain extent, my imperfections. If someone doesn't like me...I don't think I really care that much anymore.

There is also a sense of relief that comes with "not" thinking about what you are going to be when you grow up.

There is a huge amount to be said for feeling like you are coming into your prime as you head into the last third (hopefully more) of your life story.

I am turning things around. The only problem is I am turning too fast and a 360 degree turn sometimes places you at what may feel like the beginning all over again.

That, I guess, is life.

I would, however,  rather age as someone spinning around and around and around then as someone rocking back and forth in a rocking chair. Life is so much more interesting.

So I am sending a big cheer out to turning around and around and around. It keeps the world interesting.

Maybe I should take spinning classes?

Be healthy,


P.S. I felt a bit like Charlie Sheen writing this. Rambling on and on with no idea if it really made any sense at all but I am going to post is anyway...please feel free to boo me offstage :-)


cdp said...

Charlie heen eh? Got his moola? Is so - you got nothing to worry about! lol
Ps Veronica surprised me at work this morning with an unexpected visit up here (haven't seen her since you guys were here!) - just ran into her arms. Not a dry eye in the house!!!!

Anthony said...

hey bro - ya I would ascribe a lot of the badness of your bad day to lack of sleep - it's killer...

As for the gate - that sucks- probably a mindless young group of schmucks, who don't really know what they're doing.

Ya I hear what you say about the best days gone (I am a ripe 42, after all) and also hear the advantages- more confident, more wise, and I think more present, from my continual work on myself (whatever that means). Charlie Sheen - ha - you always are a pleasure to read and to talk to. A beautiful person, who inspires many- including me.