Sunday, April 17, 2011


The lyrics to "I am Changing" from Dream Girls are:

Look at me 
Look at me 

I am Changing 
Trying every way I can 
I am changing 
I'll be better than I am 
I'm trying 
To find a way 
to understand 
but I need you 
I need you 
I need a hand 

I am changing 
Seeing everything so clear 
I am changing 
I'm gonna start right now right here 
I'm hoping 
To work it out and I know that I can 

But I need you 

I need a hand 

I think Jennifer Hudson should use that song in some of her WW commercials too. Love the lyrics.  The song describes my overall feeling for this past year....and I am changing.

It is a long haul down this road and I often fall backwards down the hill but bit by bit I am unlearning all those old nasty habits that are seemingly ingrained in me.

I mentioned in my last blog that for two weeks I was going to get food delivery of freshly prepared organic foods from my friend Justine's new business "Fuel Nutrition". The website is . 

I have to tell you the food is delicious and it is just the right amount. When I first saw it I thought "this is way too little food" but it is four separate smaller meals. 

You make your own, small, healthy breakfast and then eat these four meals about three hours apart. I feel "comfortable" all the time. Never full and never hungry, but most importantly I am already feeling more energetic.

I can't afford to do this long term but whenever I need a little "kick start" I will use this service. It is great!

I am thinking I may have it delivered on Wednesdays on a permanent basis if they will do that. 

Wednesday nights are "weigh-in nights" so Wednesdays can get pretty erratic. I try not to, but too often I eat too little before getting on the scale and then pig out afterward.

Having that day pre-prepared for me in a consistently healthy manner could be a very good thing.

I am feeling good!

Be healthy!


1 comment:

cdp said...

What a great idea Al!
I wonder if they deliver to Edinburgh? lol
I've had a flu and strep-throat this week - totally floored me (well, not enough to actually not do to go to work for a couple of hours - doped myself up on flu-meds to get me thru, but am now feeling better)
We are going to meet Joni in Rome on Wednesday (cannot wait!)