Saturday, April 9, 2011

Moderation Doesn't Work

Everyone always says that the key to weight loss is Moderation.

I think they are right. I also think they are wrong.

The problem with this statement is that like almost every blanket statement it doesn't work for everybody.

We are all different.

I have been trying to do a more relaxed, moderate, approach to weight loss for a couple of months now. Just trying to stay "balanced".

The problem, however, is that it is not who I am. It does not meld with my personality.

I like extremes and I like change. Consistency bores me and when I am bored...I eat.

I am not saying that extreme eating is is not...but I am saying that we have to do what works best for us as individuals.

I started trying to just be a "normal moderate eater" because I thought about the blogs I had written and how frequently I flipped from one perspective to another and how "out of control" my thought patterns seemed. I figured that my failure rested in my inability to just "settle down".

I am now thinking that, for me, I had it right in the first place. I need the extreme changes to stay motivated and if I don't stay motivated I gain and I gain and I gain.

Sadly, that is my state now. I think I have two shirts left I can still wear. It is time to go back to change change change.

To be honest I am not sure what is actually better for health. On a simplistic level a daily healthy diet seems like it would be best. There are, however, many who believe that your body needs constant change. When you constantly change your exercise routines you get better results because you trick the body. Many believe that when you constantly "trick" your body by changing the foods you eat, your immune system is stronger because it is always "on guard". The rotation diet is based on this principal. I tend to agree with this theory. It makes sense to me.

So I am going back to lots of change. It is who I am...and I need it now more than ever.

Today I am going to have breakfast and then I am going to fast for a full 24 hours.

It is a start.

Be healthy!


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