Monday, June 20, 2011

Making The Connection...For Real

Do you believe there is a connection between food and the way we feel? Of course you do. We all do. We say it all the time.

The real question is do you pay close attention to that connection between food and the way you feel?

It is easy when you overeat and suddenly feel gross...but what about when it is more subtle?

I was doing my Bootcamp session this morning when my friend started talking about how she had been out the night before and almost everything she ate involved bad carbs. She could really notice the difference in her work out.

I was thinking that my workout was different too. It wasn't that is was harder (although it was hard) was that my breathing was different. When I run outside I always get out of breath quickly but today there was a wheezing sound along with the "out of breath" sound.

I wondered if it was directly related to the chemicals etc. in my "end of the night binge" last night.

We had eaten well all day and had a delicious fish with Salad for dinner but then Jamie had a craving for a treat.

It was my fault really. We had Cheese Doritos and Coke stored downstairs (left over from our recent party).  I brought them up and said to Jamie: "It's your call...we can open them or not." I was fully prepared to abide by whatever decision he made but I knew damn well that if I set them in front of him they would be opened...and they were...and we ate.

I had no immediate negative repercussions and I felt fine this morning...but then I got this wheezing sound in my breath while working out.

I can't say for sure if it is related to last night's snacks or not but I suspect it is.

So now I hope to focus on my reactions to foods more instead of paying lip service to the connection between food and the way we eat.

If I can establish a direct correlation it may help me avoid the bad stuff.

Be healthy!


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