Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stepping On The Scale

Tonight is the night. I am going to step on the scale and see how I have done over the past three weeks since I "restarted" a healthier approach to eating.

I am really tempted to step on a scale right now but I am going out for lunch today and I know if I step on a scale this morning and use that as my weight for the three weeks I will feel like "all is done", which means I have a free pass to eat at lunch.

So, I am going to weigh in on a Wednesday night like I am supposed to, and hope that the knowledge of this will get me though lunch safely.

It really is a mind game isn't it? The things we do to ourselves to either attain success or destroy our success.

One of the hardest things I struggle with is weighing in every week no matter what. I really have to force myself to do this EVERY week and I have often "skipped" the weigh-in (please note I am weighing in for the first time in three weeks today). It is easy on days like today when I know I am down, but when I know the scale is tilting in the wrong direction it is so easy to skip that week's weigh-in.

When the scale is heading upward I tend to think: "I know what the scale is going to say so why bother right?" Wrong. Not facing it just leads you down the wrong path.

So...I am going to work on this. I am going to work on weighing in EVERY week no matter what the scale might say.

It is a lot harder than it sounds.

Will let you know what the scales say tonight when I blog tomorrow.

Be healthy!


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