Sunday, November 27, 2011

Doing The Best We Can

The experience with my back injury is humbling me a bit.

As most of you know I exercise a lot and am always encouraging others to do the same.

I guess I am getting a taste of what it is like when one has limited ability to exercise.

I refuse to say an inability to exercise because I think that unless you are a vegetable there is always something you can do.

Still...having limited ability to exercise places a whole different spin on things. If you can't do much, you start to wonder what the point of doing anything is.

Yesterday I went for a two hour walk. It is the only thing I am allowed to do right now. I quite liked it but it seemed to take up so much of the day...I started to wonder if it was really worth it.

Surprisingly, however, it was. I still felt like I had done something when I was finished and I just felt refreshed and revitalized.

I also just realized that my statement that it "seemed" to take forever was just that...a statement that is not based on reality. Although it took two hours out of my day, that two hours started the second I walked out my door.

When I go to the gym by the time I get there, work out, shower, change, get back home, I have easily consumed two hours and yet I don't perceive that to be a problem time-wise at all.

So, I have been humbled into realizing that the exercise I continually propose isn't easy to accomplish for many, but I have also realized that no matter how little one can do, what you can do is still worthwhile.

Like everything else in life, we can only do the best we can do.

Had another great day of nutritious eating yesterday.

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

Only being able to walk? A person confined to a wheelchair would love to say that. You will get better, they will forever be in that chair.

Unknown said...

I think that is kind of my point. That this has been humbling for me to face the reality that not all can do what I take for granted. Yes...a person in a wheelchair would be another example.