Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sometimes a door has to close for another one to open

"For every ending there is a new beginning"..."For every door that closes another door opens"...and my favourite from T.S. Elliot..."What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from".

This week will mark an "end". It makes me sad to think it.

It is hard for me to imagine that after driving to Burlington from Toronto almost every Wednesday since 2004 this Wednesday I will be making that drive for the final time.

I have driven there faithfully virtually every week for my Weight Watchers meetings since 2004 and over the years I have made such wonderful friends. There is even a couple that goes to the meeting that has been attending since I first joined WW back in the late 1980s. It will be hard to leave on Wednesday.

Sometimes, however, one cannot begin their path down a new road without leaving the road they are on, and it is time for me to take a new path.

In the first week after this Wednesday I will "shadow" a Weight Watchers leader in Toronto, attend WW training, and then the following week I will begin my own Wednesday night Weight Watchers meetings here in Toronto as a leader.

It is exciting...but right now it all seems a little bit surreal.

Of course I am worried about the first day I have to get up in front of my new group (which is May 2nd). Last week I snuck in and sat in on the meeting I will soon lead. The group seems like a good one so that makes me happy...but there is always the fear of falling flat on your face.

Obviously I want to "look" my best when I get up in front of my group for the first time to so I am diligently following the Weight Watchers plan. That doesn't mean I can't have treats...I will probably have some wine tonight...but I will count the points and stay on plan.

I am also tracking my points by methods I don't usually use. I am tracking on e-tools as well as on a paper tracker and on the points plus calculator. Once I am a leader I will have to help people who track in different manners so I need to ensure I am up-to-date on every method.

I'm really excited about my new group but man am I going to miss my old friends.

If any of my friends in the Burlington Hamilton area (you don't need to be a member of WW) are reading this and are free this Wednesday we are going to go for drinks after my last meeting at the Kelseys on Guelph line (behind the Zellers in Burlington Mall). We will get there about 6:50pm Wednesday and all are welcome.

I'm just hoping I don't cry Wednesday...I am such a frickin sap.

Be healthy!


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