Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In a bit of shock right now

I just received some sad news that I wanted to share with my friends who go to WW with me.

I am afraid that John Millar from our group passed away last night.

I don't know many details other than he had a pain in his ear and ended up in hospital. He then slipped into a coma for a day or so and passed away.

I can't say I knew John really well but always enjoyed seeing him in Weight Watchers.

While almost everyone said "hi" at the meeting, John always said "Hi Alan". I know that is a silly little thing but it is a silly little thing I always noticed. It somehow had more meaning, especially since I can never remember anyone's names.

He had been a longtime follower of our leader Cindy. Meeting her first at "WW at Work" meetings at Dofasco and then joining our Wednesday night group.

I will miss John.

It is yet again a reminder that our lives are too short to mess around with. We must enjoy every minute we can and take care of ourselves so we have as many minutes as possible.

Rest in Peace John.

Be healthy,



The Director said...

Very touching, Alan. Thanks for sharing. Tom

Anonymous said...

OMG...that is so sad. We don't have many men at our meeting so its not hard to remember the ones that are there! He didn't say much, but he will be missed.

On another note, I'm very glad to see you blogging again!
See you Wednesday.

M. WW.

Unknown said...

Thanks WW...he will be missed indeed