Wednesday, July 13, 2011


There is a delicious chocolate covered cookie three feet away from me. There used to be six.

We had a return B&B guest bring us a box of the most delicious chocolate cookies I have ever had in my life. Yes I had one...ok ok...I had two...yesterday. Oh my god....soooooo good.

One remains. It is on Jamie's desk but he isn't here and I feel like there is an invisible force pulling me toward feels like I have no wants me....and I want it...we were meant to be one.

That is how I am feeling as I type this.

It is also the attitude that got me fat in the first place. The feeling that food and I were meant to be.

It is all a lie.

That chocolate cookie is going to make love to me and then attach itself to me and never let go. It will follow me everywhere I am and make me miserable. It will do everything it can to sap the energy out of me so I just feel like lying around at home instead of going to the gym where I might find something better. It is a manipulative self-serving cookie who will make love to anyone that wants it. It is the kind of cookie that seduces you into cheating with its insatiable good looks.

I will resist. I will not let that whore of a cookie deprive me of my happiness for the sake of a short wild fling.

It is nothing more than a common hussy. I deserve better. So do you.

Be healthy!



cdp said...

That was a pure, dead, brilliant post - so it was ....

Unknown said...

Thanks Catherine! It was written straight from the Stomach :-)

Anonymous said...

LOL...I like that...cookie whore!
I've been checking in and wondering when you might find the time to come back to us.
Have to ask if you went to class Wed. night. I couldn't make it, weighed in that morning though, but couldn't help thinking about how Greta was struggling last week and wondering how she made out.
I have been where she was so many times, on the verge of tears, just wanting to give up, but hopefully Cindy and the class gave her the motivation she needs to keep going, she has accomplished so much.
Good to see you back, don't stay away so long!
(did Jamie get the last cookie???)

M. WW.