Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hi Everyone!

Do you ever wake up inspired? It doesn't happen to me a lot but this morning it did. I woke up (at 4AM) and the first thing I thought was...I want to write my blog. It has been too long!

How have you all been?

I am doing great. I guess that shouldn't be that surprising. One always feels more inspired when they feel great don't they?

I can honestly say that I have been good...no wait...I have been practically perfect for 7\seven days now. I can only say "practically" perfect because I had some free samples at the Costco demo tables yesterday.

I have also gone for a couple of visits to see my friends Stacey and Lauren for a couple of colonics at VitaLife Digestive Wellness Clinic so I am getting cleaned right out. I know I know...some of you are thinking that is information you didn't need to know but if you want to be healthy and protect against future disease I highly recommend them.

Lauren made an interesting comment when I was there.

I was talking to her about how I always seem to do so well and then seem to sabotage myself. She said she could relate (although she does not have a weight issue that I am aware of) as she does the same type of thing. She thinks it is because she likes the challenge of starting something new.

That, my friends, was an eye opening thought for me. Maybe that is part of my issue. I am always saying "change" keeps me going, but maybe there is a downside to it. Perhaps I can actually sabotage myself in the quest for a new challenge. Definitely food for thought (no pun intended).

I still thing change is critical to success though. Boredom will always send you travelling down the wrong path.

Anyway...I just had to pop my smiling face back into the picture and say that I am alive, well, and feeling inspired. I hope you are too.

Be healthy!


P.S. I big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister Sondra today :-)

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