Friday, July 29, 2011

Well that was brutal

Just went through a really rough caffeine withdrawal..but I survived.

I started doing a cleanse that required no caffeine and I figured this was as good a time as any to finally buckle down and kick the habit.

The problem was a cleanse is supposed to release everything and it seemed to me that taking any medication to deal with the withdrawal headaches would have the opposite effect. It would suppress rather than release. So it had to be done drug free.

I have to tell you if you don't think caffeine is an addiction...try going off it. I was in agony. The headaches were so bad I was debilitated for 24 hours and vomited three times. I was withdrawing from a serious addiction just like any other addiction.

After the first 24 hours things got better and I had a mild headache for another 24 hours but now the headache is pretty much gone.

So the caffeine withdrawal is done but the cravings still linger on. I would kill for a coffee right now.

I know I can have decaf but want to break the habit of automatically needing coffee every morning so I will force myself not too.

Will have a decaf tea later in the day though.

Be healthy!



Jen said...

I am so darned impressed! Even giving up gluten, cow dairy and eggs (eggs and dairy entirely for 3 months, but now I can have the eggs, at least) there is no way I can give up coffee.

I looked over the Paleo Diet when I was at your place and am following parts of it. I know, it should be all or nothing, but I'm not there yet. ;-)

You GO! ;-)

Oh... this is Jennifer Haines.

Unknown said...

Thanks Jen

I totally get the "I'm not there yet".

I have been trying to be totally healthy since a started Nutrition courses a couple of years ago and I am still "not there".

Such a battle.


Pamela said...

I tried going caffeine free ONCE in my lifetime....I too, had headaches. That was the ONE and only time I will do it in this lifetime.
I have given up alot of stuff I like to get this weight off and that is fine.
Tea will not be given up - I draw the line. It is the one thing that I LOVE. Even if it was 10 POINTS I would find a way of getting it into me!
I congratulate you on your efforts, but I am not remotely interested in even trying this!