Thursday, October 6, 2011

This Is It. For Good.

The day of reckoning has come. It is time, once and for all, to put processed foods behind me and lead a healthy life.

I am tired of flip flopping. I am tired of the weight gain and loss roller coaster. I am tired of writing a blog that is supposed to be inspirational and then failing miserably.

I have been bad lately. Scratch that...I have been abysmal. I have also been pretty invisible on this blog. I guess the two go hand in hand.

I have every excuse in the book...and they are all valid. I did two jobs while Jamie was away, and then the day after he got back I started covering for a colleague who was on vacation so I have done two jobs until tonight, and I have been taking a course at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. I have barely had time to sleep let alone eat. Monday and Tuesday I really didn't even have time to sleep.

So I made my choices...and they were my choices. I ate burgers out, had chips and coke, had egg salad sandwiches purchased from supermarkets at lunch, and enjoyed Pizza. I also haven't made it to a Weight Watchers meeting in five weeks.

What is the result? I am up about twenty pounds.

I am not depressed...just tired. Tired of getting myself in this situation. I don't feel good.

How ironic is it that I eat crap while spending my spare time studying Nutrition? It is ridiculous.

So this is it. It is time...once and for practice what I learn.

Will I still go out for dinner? Of course. Will I be perfect? Of course not. Will I be as close to perfect as I possibly can while making sure I am not making myself miserable? Absolutely.

So here is to new beginnings and here is to new beginnings once and for all. No more "starting over".

This is it my friends.

The time has come.

I am hoping you will come on this final journey with me if you are not already there.

Be healthy!

I will.



Karen said...

Glad you are back - missed you!! Let Jennifer inspire you as you start over for the last time "It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me, And I’m feeling good"
Take care my friend

Unknown said...

Man I love that song...and I love her! So inspirational!

Quade said...

I'm not perfect, but I'm beautiful. This is my mantra. You can borrow it if you like sweetie.

I feel your frustration cause I share it. I feel like I'm always making poor choices and I feel the result. It's hard to be healthy in South Sudan with the long hours and the poor quality food with very limited choices. But still, there's always an excuse to have the fries instead of the salad, etc.

Bad habits have crept up on me and I always use the 'poor me, I live in a box beside an airport' as an excuse to do any stupid thing. This week cutting back out the sodas and crackers and suchlike. Back to nuts and berries, shoots and leaves.

In anti-crap food solidarity!!

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering where you were! No blog for so long, I stopped checking, but every now and then I would come back and today...voila...a new blog! Does that mean we might see you at the meeting this week?
I know where you are. It happens after being a WW for so many years. We go up and down, I don't believe that anybody who has weight issues can get over them and never fall back. We can keep going but perfection is unrealistic.
Get up, shake it off, and get back at it. You know you can do it!
M. WW.

Lea said...

Missing your blog and at Wednesday WW meeting. I can't go for now because I broke my foot. Hang in there. You are great inspiration to others. I hope you start blogging again
Lea WW

Lea said...

I miss your blogs especially now that I'm at home with a broken foot. Your are inspiring and interesting, I hope you start blogging again.

Unknown said...

Your timing is perfect Lea! I have been discussing with my friend Joni how my success is so much better when I blog so look for it starting up again in the next two days.

Joni has convinced me I need to do it pretty regularly to keep myself heading in the right direction.

Hope your recovery is going well
